Brian Ball

Recent Articles

programmer at computer with dual monitors working on coding project while wearing headphones

Your personal programming project misses you. How to make more time.

Personal programming projects are a great way to explore new topics. They can allow you a scaffold for exploring new technologies or techniques. They can use a personal interest as a motivator to overcome the trials of learning. But they compete for your limited time with your responsibilities, friends, and family. Sitting down for a […]
SEPeers discussing a book at book club

Professional Development is a Social Activity

Professional Development is not a one-size-fits-all recipe for success.  In fact, it is as varied as individual careers.  But not every career path is forged anew, a unique gem wholly unlike anything that has come before.  Most of us have careers similar to our colleagues, with whom we’ve shared many experiences.  In fact, the entire […]

Invest in Your Career Growth with Small Habits for Professional Development

Some Professional Development activities are time-consuming. For example, gaining a certification for a cloud platform requires hours of learning and study before the hours of testing.  This may feel like an intimidating amount of work. However, even a busy schedule can include a few small habits for professional development that, over time, will add up […]

Introducing the Professional Development Canvas

It is a developed skill to take all the different things in my life and answer two questions, “What should I learn next,” and “How am I going to learn it.”  I’ve had twenty years to figure out how to self-direct my learning.  In addition, I’ve had some semi-professional experience in developing my training materials […]
SEP hex pattern overlay of person working on laptop

GraphViz – A Tool You Aren’t Using, but Should

Recently, we had a book club where we read the Mikado Method, a process of handling large scale rearchitecting via refactors on the Master Branch without adversely impacting new features. One of the techniques that make up the method is visualizing the refactoring plan as a digraph of dependent steps. But as much as I […]

I Want to be the One in Control

It’s all about time. SEP, like most organizations, lives and dies by time sheets. Our time sheets are two weeks long. Each entry has a start time, a project code, a description, and a duration. Easy enough, but what does that have to do with EmberJS? To Quote Miss Jackson, “I Want to be the […]

A Template for Lunches

If you want to show anything on your page, you’re going to have to write a template. A template is the html to display on each page view. And if you use resources, they nest! Ember, by default, uses the Handlebars template engine. Lunchtime! It’s a Friday and I want ribs for lunch. But I […]

A Picture is Worth 1000 Lies

Last week, I wrote about Routing in EmberJS. And I kinda lied a bit. I laid out the Pokédex route like this …{ this.route(“pokedex”, {path: ‘/pokedex/:poke_id’}); }); That’s probably the wrong choice, but I made it for Pedagogical reasons. I regret nothing, but we are going to play with the routes of an example […]

Getting from Here to There

Where do we go from here? We begin with the Url. The history of the web is based around the URL and our ability to transition from one url to another. Ember is built around the Url. You are a Web Developer if you build apps with Urls – Tom Dale Every view we want […]