Buzz was building in anticipation of where SEP would go to celebrate its 25th anniversary. During yesterday’s status meeting SEP announced with beads and food from Chef Dan’s Southern Comfort that New Orleans is our destination of choice. The trip, which will take place next year during May 24 – 27 2013, is a chance for SEP to reward its employees for their hard work and dedication. CEO Jeff Gilbert remarked that the idea of taking the entire SEP staff is often met with surprise, “But it turns to admiration. We’re that kind of company”. COO Traci Dossett sums up the trip’s impetus, “We just hope that people are able to go down and relax, hang out with their fellow employees and enjoy the rich culture the area has to offer. Our people are what make our company and benefits like this are what make working here memorable.”
Anniversary trips at SEP began with a 10-year celebration that included a cruise to the Bahamas as well as a 20-year trip to Cancun. According to Traci, the decision to pick New Orleans for the company’s 25th came down to many factors, “We solicited input after our 20 year trip and what our people like is variety! The warm weather, great food and culture, the ability to go out and try things on their own were all considered.”
For those looking to spend more than just Memorial Day weekend basking in the glow of the Big Easy, Traci also teases a chance to do that through SEP’s community service initiatives. “We’re looking at a way to incentivize people to go a day early or stay a day late and do some volunteer work.”
Details are still being finalized, but Traci suggests following her on Twitter (@TraciDossett) for updates, including pictures and teasers from her trip next week to scout hotels and hotspots. “New Orleans has so much culture,” said Traci. “There are historic neighborhoods, festivals, the [Mississippi] river, an aquarium, lots of jazz clubs and restaurants–it’s a charming city with tons to do.”