Automating a B2B Contract Processing App

Our client, a Clickwrap Transaction Platform, helps B2B SaaS, e-commerce, and enterprise companies update online legal terms, track and process acceptance of those terms, and streamline internal contract processes. They needed to automate a tedious manual process in order to serve more clients.

Our client was thrilled that we were able to build a solution (feasibility was definitely in question!), and even more excited that we did it within a tight timeline and budget. They were also able to strengthen the relationship with one of their largest clients as a result of our work together.

What We Did

Mobile Development

Tech Stack

Appium, iOS, Android, Mocha, GitHub Actions, NodeJS


Our client is a quickly-growing clickwrap transaction platform that securely speeds up online transactions for commonly used contracts like terms of service and NDAs. They wanted to create an automated framework for external applications so they could deliver their service at scale.

Our client’s employees spent hours manually navigating to the clickwrap in the agreements page within native mobile applications, taking screenshots, and saving the information for their clients. As they grew, they recognized that this would not scale well and they needed to develop a more efficient process.

Our client wanted to create a software product that could automatically perform this process. They wanted a single solution for both Android and iOS devices so that they wouldn’t have to maintain two separate applications.

Our client’s engineering leaders had explored this concept but couldn’t automate the process on both types of devices. The iOS security constraints seemed to make it impossible to access the data they needed.

They came to us to see if we could find a way to build this product given the security constraints. One of their largest clients needed this completed within a tight time frame, so we needed to move quickly.


We dove in to determine whether there was a way to create the seemingly impossible solution.

We started with research and testing. We quickly recognized the problem our client had run into: accessing the data they needed on iOS was very difficult because of its tight security.

In order to automate the screenshot and data-grabbing process, we needed to be able to navigate and control our client’s client’s apps remotely. This wasn’t difficult for Android devices, but iOS was a different story because it doesn’t allow this type of remote access. We initially looked into the Xamarin automation framework, but it requires a special hook compiled into the app to gain remote control access. Our client didn’t want their clients to have to modify their apps to add this hook.

We started looking into other options and landed on the Appium testing framework. Rather than gaining remote control of a client’s app directly, Appium installs its own app on mobile devices which controls the app. This acts as a middleman between our client and their clients’ apps.

Once we decided to use Appium, we made progress quickly. Our client was pleasantly surprised that we were able to give them a demo of our solution by the end of the first week of our engagement. After we got the core of the product running, we handled errors and added finishing touches.


The solution we built automatically finds phones in a network and executes the two data retrieval processes for the client’s iOS and Android applications. We were able to automate a fully manual process, saving our client multiple hours every week. This product gives our client a scaleable, automated way to provide this service to large clients as they grow.

Our client was thrilled that we were able to build a solution, and even more excited that we did it within a tight timeline and budget. They were also able to strengthen the relationship with one of their largest clients as a result of our work together.

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