How to Make Bets That Pay Off: Effective Prototyping for Product Organizations
Many product organizations today face similar struggles: delivery cycles take longer than expected, timeframes are unpredictable, and schedules lead to unforeseen costs and outcomes. Often, designed, built, and delivered features go unused, ultimately failing to achieve the desired business results. We’ve seen these struggles appear when organizations pursue a solution without understanding critical assumptions about […]
In Product Strategy, Ideas Are Important, but Execution is Critical
Ideas are important, but executing them is even more so! I had the opportunity to present at our recent SEPTalks event about how companies can close the gap between idea and delivery. We touched on the North Star Framework, what barriers get in the way of trying to achieve these goals, and a mental model […]
While attending Agile2022 this year, I couldn’t help but reflect back on my long history with this conference. I attended my first Agile conference in 2008 in Toronto. The following year in 2009, I was a speaker. Since then, I have presented or attended nearly every year since. I’ve been a reviewer, helping review and […]
Thanks to Jeff Patton for inspiring us to design new artwork inside the SEP Product Design Studio. Jeff has used these points in many of his presentations and it was too good not to recreate. Software Truths PDF
Decisions we make every day are driven by cognitive biases designed to save time and energy. These mental shortcuts serve us well. Marketers have used this knowledge to build successful marketing strategies for many years. Armed with the same knowledge, is it possible for us to build more engaging products? In this video we’ll look […]
Six Keys to More Successful Projects through Visualization
Many companies are going through Agile transformations, however most struggle to achieve a lasting impact. Teams often struggle to gain clarity, improve accountability, or realize measurable progress. Traditional tools have failed and so has Agile. They appear to have all the right roles, ceremonies, artifacts, and tools, but something still isn’t quite right. Agile requires […]
You know the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. And you know what it means – pictures convey so much more about people or an idea you’re trying to describe than you could ever hope to with words. So why is it in knowledge work, that some of the most important information […]