Jordan Thayer, PhD

AI Practice Lead

Recent Articles

Illustration of computerized hand touching half of a human brain and a human hand touching the other

When to Reach for Custom Artificial Intelligence Solutions vs. Off-the-Shelf

We’re in the midst of a time of great excitement and enthusiasm for AI and the possibilities it brings. You may find yourself at a company wondering how exactly can AI help us? Off-the-shelf tools may not feel like a good fit. What you do is unique, and you may be considering building your own […]
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professional focusing on computer screen close up

Using Generative AI Every Day at Work? An AI Strategist’s Honest Take

I use Generative AI tools because, as a developer, I can’t ignore them. My clients and peers expect me to be at least conversant in AI technologies if not an expert. Maintaining that expertise means engaging with new tools as they come out. I’ve made a point to use them where I could for the […]
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close up view of eyes looking off in the distance with code overlay

How to Think About AI: 4 Things Artificial Intelligence Experts Want You To Know

The most recent lurch forward in AI has introduced many people to the field. Each person coming to the field now has decades of understanding to digest, bringing their own spin for how they think about AI. They also have a huge sense of urgency when approaching AI in a business context. Given the rate […]
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rubber duck floating upside down in the water

AI Code Gen Tools Need Human Developers to Produce Good Code

Last year, AI code gen tools made a huge splash in the software development world. Again. Someone had the bright idea that “Hey, source code is text. Maybe we can generate that!”. What started as one big offering has grown to dozens of tools to write our code for us. These tools excite some, terrify others, and leave many wondering […]
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large agriculture vehicle in crop field

The Future is Now: Dig Into the Advantages of AI in Agriculture

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing agriculture in major ways. Some of the cutting-edge advantages of AI in agriculture include improved crop management, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. AI Drives Precision Ag One of the most significant advantages of AI in agriculture is improved crop management in precision ag. It allows us to understand data […]
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Robot at a computer

Everything You Wanted to Know About How AI Reduces Business Costs But Were Afraid to Ask

With all of the excitement for AI in the news, you may find yourself wondering, “How does AI reduce costs?”. AI has many business applications, from the flashy to the shockingly mundane. While there’s no way to know upfront how AI can transform your business, here are three broad ways AI reduces costs: #1. AI […]
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complex manufacturing plant machine photo

The Common Business Applications of AI That We Rely on Every Day

In the modern era, many of us feel like we understand what AI is.  After all, it’s around us every day.  It’s in our novels and movies and news.  It’s in our businesses and our competitors. It’s in our medicine and our health care.  Though we may not think about it, it touches nearly every […]
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customer service team member smiling on a call

How AI in Customer Service Helps Humans Do More Than Ever Before

AI is changing every facet of our lives, from the way we cook to the way we work. Customer service is the most important aspect of any business. It defines the relationship between business and customers. Like all aspects of work, AI is changing how we approach customer service. Full Automation? More Like Fool Automation […]
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Well-done Writing is Rare

I read a lot. I read for pleasure, and I read for work. I read poetry, fiction, and graphic novels. I even read the occasional textbook on how laws around pornography give us a unique view into the changing social landscape of 19th century England. That one, by the way, is a real page turner. […]
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