How many of you have a personal 5-year plan? Ok, I see a few hands raised. How many of you have a plan for the project you are on right now? Ok, lots of raised hands again. Now, how many of you have feared changes to your plans? Come on, be honest… Yep, most of us […]
Onwards to Round 2 in our current blog battle here at SEP. This time I’ve been asked to write about my favorite line(s) of code. Unfortunately, I don’t have some fancy Ruby, Haskell, or Clojure to dazzle you with. My recent tenure spent managing projects leaves me with little time to focus on the latest […]
What’s that? Another SEP Blog Battle you say? Of course I’ll chime in! What’s that? The first topic I’ve got is Positive Deviance? Ok… What the heck is Positive Deviance? Well, what do I think it is based on that statistics course I took 15 years ago, and based on more recent dealings with tracking […]
We often get clients interested in mobile solutions to their problems. One of the biggest questions they have for us is “what platform should we even target?” iOS? Android? Windows Phone 8? What about BlackBerry? Symbian? Firefox OS? How about Ubuntu Mobile? Do we even want something native, or is a properly tested and designed […]
During a recent “blog-battle” here at SEP, we took on the topic of “The Optimistic [insert role here]“. So I’m going to take a little liberty and talk about why I’m an optimistic employee owner. For those not aware, SEP is a 100% ESOP (as of spring 2010). This has some nifty benefits such as […]
So… the blog battle topic is “All I Want for Christmas”. I’ll ignore all the obvious things (world peace, time with family, a straightened out financial system, etc). So what do I want? Something to benefit me at work: Four more software interns for next summer. Sure, we’ve got four so far, but I’m hoping […]
When I first saw that the topic for this week’s SEP Blog Battle is “Motion is not Progress”, my mind immediately jumped back about 15 years to sophomore engineering classes at Rose-Hulman. Or at least I’m pretty sure that’s where we discussed the difference between speed and velocity. Speed just tells you how fast you […]
As part of the recruiting team here at SEP, I’ve seen quite a few candidates over the past few years. I figured I’d share some of the good and bad ideas people have had in hopes that maybe some of our future candidates will get some benefit out of those who have gone before. As […]
… to dust off this blog. Or do I? We’re having a little blog battle here at SEP, so chances are you’ll see me post a bit more than I have in quite a while. And maybe even a few of the other blogs here will see some posts as well. It is interesting, because […]