SEP Alumni

Recent Articles

Why consider a Data Warehouse?

The need to collect, store and analyze large amounts of data continues to increase in importance for businesses across all industries. Marketing agencies have led the pack in processing large amounts of data in order to gain consumers attention in a crowded space. However, virtually every other area is beginning to see the value in […]

Starting Full-Time At A Place That Is Hard To Define

I knew I could grow there—fast. That’s how I respond when asked why I chose to work for SEP. Subsequently, my co-workers later told me they felt they ‘just knew’ I was a fit for this culture and the work we do here when I asked them why I was chosen. Knowing which job to […]

Why Does Every Pixel Matter?

Why is the UI designer making me move something just 1px over? Does that 1px even matter? The quick answer is yes, it does matter. I can give you the answer in design speak and say it’s all about balance, consistency, and maintaining the grid, but I don’t think that does it full justice. Below […]

Why I Like Being An Interaction Designer

You know when people say, “I can see you as a (insert career title, oftentimes a common one and easy to define, here).”? Well, I never got Interaction Designer in that insertion. I discovered that I wanted to be a interaction designer not because it was a choice in a career questionnaire test or looked […]

How I Dunning-Kruger’d Marketing

I find it easy to rattle off a few marketing ideas for software products. I’ve read enough HackerNews and pop-business books to know the gist of it. Got a product for agile development teams? Why not just run some LinkedIn ads that target scrum masters at software companies? Boom. You are welcome for this brilliant […]

Leveling-up Our Intern Program – With Purpose

Over the last few years we have been making incremental changes to level-up our intern program. For previous summers we have solidified the purpose of our internship program…we have defined the outcomes we want to see from our program…and we have collected some goals that we want to shoot for while our interns are with […]

Go for Web Development

I have published a video series on building web applications in Go called Go for Web Development. These videos will guide you through the entire process of creating a web application in Go, all the way from spinning up a basic web server to multi-user authentication. In the end, you’ll learn how to vendor dependencies […]

How Big is IoT?

Since this is my first blog post at SEP I should probably explain the title of my blog “Another Cloud Joke and the Internet of What?”.  I have been working with cloud technologies for 5 years now and telematics and connectivity for over 20 years.  As a Cloud Architect I have heard every type of […]

Why Professional Development v2?

Why Professional Development? Professional Development (PD) is vital to SEP’s business and culture. PD keeps us current and able to win new projects PD improves our ability to deliver software to clients PD helps us to continuous grow and improve our own abilities PD allows us to explore new ideas, tools, and techniques It is […]