The summer is wrapping up for the 13 students who took part in SEP’s internship experience! Within the last few months, the interns have learned a ton of new things, met a ton of new people, and made a ton of new memories. At SEP, interns work on real projects and are valued members of the team. Each day is different, bringing its unique challenges and opportunities.
The ’22 interns have all done great work this summer – here’s what they had to say about their summer experiences.
In Their Own Words: The SEP Internship Experience
Nic Ballesteros
This summer, I learned how to be a better programmer, communicate more efficiently, and how to ask thoughtful questions. I also learned about AWS, programmatically allocating resources in the cloud, and testing software. My favorite part of the summer has been the times where my team implemented some of my ideas into the project.
Zach Breisch
My internship had a positive trajectory throughout the summer. I began to spend my time on more varied work, gained a better sense of what’s going on, became more comfortable with the tech in use, and learned about SEP’s client relationships. Some of the technical topics I touched included Xamarin forms, C#, prototyping, and UI/UX skills. My favorite part of the summer was getting to hear from experienced employees through the CEO open forum, weekly AMA sessions, and office hours.
Zach Brandon
My summer was enjoyable and refreshing. I learned that I love software and definitely want to do it full-time. Not only do I love software, but I love SEP! The experience was even better than my expectations because I had an awesome and diverse team that shared my love of learning. I learned about android mobile development, Katlon, CI/CD practices, iOS, and Swift.
Cameron Line
I enjoyed learning about the different engineering skills it takes to develop large scale software that they do not teach in school. I also enjoyed SEP’s culture and atmosphere thanks to all the wonderful SEPeers I met and worked with over the summer. I am excited to take what I learned and experienced back to my final year of undergrad. I learned about unit testing, DevOps, Angular, CI/CD, and the various procedures needed to evaluate the safety of medical technology. I also gained insight into how complicated software is developed, deployed, tested, evaluated, and maintained.
Thank you to my teammates and other SEPeers for being so kind and helping me develop my skills!
Steven Good
I had lots of fun this summer between meeting welcoming people and learning a ton. I enjoyed participating in SEP’s Game Jam where I was able to connect with people I don’t usually work with. Two things I learned were C++ and QML.
Riley Robinson
I greatly enjoyed the people and loved the support from my team during my time on the project. I learned that it is okay to not know everything and ask questions. Learning from mistakes is more helpful than not saying anything.
Cooper Zuranski
From SQL to Azure, I learned even more than I thought I would during my summer at SEP. I also learned about the soft skills that come with software development including best practices, testing, and industrial software norms. I enjoyed completing my first story on my own as well as participating on this year’s winning Game Jam team.
Evan Dossett
I got involved with a ton of different opportunities this summer like hackathon and game jam. I learned how to interact with clients and work well on a team. I work with code differently after interning at SEP; I have a newfound focus on the customer and readability of my work while coding.
Owen Dossett
My summer was explorative. I was exposed to new fields, new components of the software side of the medical world, and cloud services. I loved interacting with approachable and supportive coworkers. My favorite part of this summer was having the opportunity to use my Python skills to write a script that generates insurance bills to help out Human Resources.
Emma Maple
I really enjoyed the working environment at SEP. Everyone was super welcoming and friendly, which made me feel a lot better since I didn’t have much experience before. I learned how to collaborate well with a team while all working towards the same goal, as my previous jobs focused more on individual work; so I came to appreciate teamwork and see how important it is! I also learned a lot of basic technical skills that I had not known before, and can now use in my future career.
It was super cool to see how hard SEP works to integrate all employees and host fun events to build stronger relationships!
Reagan Frank
I had a great summer at SEP! I learned how to communicate professionally, hold effective meetings, and improve the customer experience. My favorite part of the summer was going for coffee runs with the business team.
Kate Schreck
I learned that company culture means a lot more to me than I thought it did. SEP does a great job of creating a welcoming and encouraging environment for people to share their ideas and be productive. This is the type of environment I am looking for in the future. My favorite part was getting to do fun activities and projects with my team like mini golf, pickleball, and sales training.
An internship with SEP is a summer of working on real client and business projects alongside professional engineers, designers, and managers. You also get the opportunity to participate in professional development, community service activities, and even fun social events too.
Experience the freedom to dive right in, and be supported by a mentor and project team.