Ember Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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A Template for Lunches

If you want to show anything on your page, you’re going to have to write a template. A template is the html to display on each page view. And if you use resources, they nest! Ember, by default, uses the Handlebars template engine. Lunchtime! It’s a Friday and I want ribs for lunch. But I […]
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A Picture is Worth 1000 Lies

Last week, I wrote about Routing in EmberJS. And I kinda lied a bit. I laid out the Pokédex route like this … App.router.map(function(){ this.route(“pokedex”, {path: ‘/pokedex/:poke_id’}); }); That’s probably the wrong choice, but I made it for Pedagogical reasons. I regret nothing, but we are going to play with the routes of an example […]
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Getting from Here to There

Where do we go from here? We begin with the Url. The history of the web is based around the URL and our ability to transition from one url to another. Ember is built around the Url. You are a Web Developer if you build apps with Urls – Tom Dale Every view we want […]
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The Ember Path

There was a recent blog post by Rob Conery about learning EmberJs by just flinging yourself at it. That was something that kind of resonated with me. I’ve been trying to understand EmberJS for a while, but I wasn’t getting it. I wasn’t feeling confident enough to actually start a project and get it right. […]
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A quick note on EmberJs and ReactiveJS

I tweeted yesterday that I was having trouble with EmberJS and ReactiveJS integration. I’m hip-deep in an emberjs app and I can’t get my canvas to pump events through rxjs… — Brian J Ball (@Myotherpants) June 3, 2014 Well, I figured it out! With some help from the fine ReactiveX folks. The long story short […]
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