Lift And Shift Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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tech team collaborating in planning session on the floor with a marker

Cloud Migration: Three Big Considerations Before Getting Started

“Cloud Migration” is one of the buzziest topics right now (aside from Generative AI). When we talk to our customers about migrating to the cloud, we want to help them make sure we’re all on the same page about the risks and benefits before we go headlong into that kind of effort. Our makers LOVE […]
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Inside SEP Episode 50: Migrating to Cloud-Based Applications with Jon Fuller

Navigating the Cloud: Key Considerations for Building or Migrating to Cloud-Based Applications

I often have to pull folks at SEP into early conversations with our clients to help explain and understand the technical nature of the clients world. One of those people is our Director of Software Engineering, Jon Fuller. Jon’s experience and approach make him one of the best in our walls at asking great questions […]
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digital cloud showing electronic connection imagery

Is a Lift and Shift Migration the right fit for your cloud project?

Picture this: Your team has been wrangling databases, applications, and web servers hosted and run on hundreds of VMs for years now. You have workarounds for some of the most egregious limitations, but alas… you know the time has come to replace your VMs with cloud hosting. You know that the inefficiencies and security concerns […]
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Migrating a Legacy ASP.NET application to Azure

Co-written with Jeanine Brosch, Matt Mast, and Robert Nowadly During some projects, we work alongside client development teams. However, in some cases, we work amongst a distributed team of developers for increased collaboration. For one such engagement, we were hosting our client’s infrastructure at our site, on our hardware. Our client relied on us to report […]
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