Programming Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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programmer at computer with dual monitors working on coding project while wearing headphones

Your personal programming project misses you. How to make more time.

Personal programming projects are a great way to explore new topics. They can allow you a scaffold for exploring new technologies or techniques. They can use a personal interest as a motivator to overcome the trials of learning. But they compete for your limited time with your responsibilities, friends, and family. Sitting down for a […]
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Manage the lifecycle of QObjects in C++ using smart pointers with custom deleters that invoke deleteLater.

deleteLater: Managing the QObject Lifecycle in C++

This post describes how to manage the lifecycle of QObjects in C++ by using smart pointers with custom deleters which invoke deleteLater. Qt has it’s own lifecycle for QWidgets/Objects that is distinct from the usual C++ object lifecycle. Most of the time that is essentially a non-issue. Normally, QWidgets last for the lifetime of the […]
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Building with Elm at SEP Makes

Preface For the last few months, I’d been working on my side project Contact, a JSON REST API written with Elixir and Phoenix, designed to be the backend to an instant messaging platform. I thought that SEP’s semi-annual hackathon: SEP: Makes, would be the perfect time to make a front end application for Contact, but […]
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Stop Using Variables – Learning Through Constraints

My new year’s resolution for 2017 was to stop using variables. My goal was to force some learning by applying a constraint to my work. Over the course of the year, I attempted this while writing various types of code: Restful api endpoints – good. It felt quite natural to write code without variables in […]
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Failure behind a curtain helps performers to shine in the spotlight

In any profession involving performance (like music or sports), the professionals practice out of sight of their audience. They practice to get better. They push their limits and try things they’ve never tried before. When they try those things for the first time, they suck! The football player misses the catch trying out that new […]
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