Programming Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Creating Debian Files by Hand

As part of some recent project work, our team encountered the need to install an application remotely to a set of internationally spread developers using an Ubuntu environment. So to help spread some knowledge and serve as a resource for furture developers who may be sharing a similar problem – here’s how we learned to […]
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Lessons learned from Moving from ASP.NET Webforms to ASP.NET MVC.

A few months ago a client came to us and asked for our help with rewriting a couple of their high volume pages in ASP.NET MVC. The current application was written using ASP.NET webforms in the .NET 4.5 framework. We did something similar a few years back so we thought this task would be a walk […]
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A brief take on security in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, the first wall of security comes in the form of a special user account called root. Root has the ability to perform any operation on the system. To protect users or crackers from using root to harm the system, no user can actually login as root. Instead, users perform actions with root privileges […]
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Recursive Breadth-first Traversal

One of my coworkers [1] brought to my attention an interesting problem. What’s the best way to run a breadth-first traversal on a tree data structure using recursion?  He already had an initial algorithm working correctly, but it had some unfortunate characteristics that made it less than ideal.  I haven’t dealt directly with the plethora […]
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Oracle Wallets and You … No, Not You, Behind You. Yeah, You.

Oracle databases are a complex system of interconnected parts. The toolset is comprehensive and robust. And so is the documentation. Possibly too robust, even. I have spent the last couple of days researching how to do One Specific Thing, while the documentation has delighted in telling me All the Things That Can Be Done. And […]
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Monadic Complexity Resolutions

Matt Sheehe wrote a great blog post [1] where he brought up a fantastic idea.  Instead of making code more complex than it has to be, send a message to an administrator.  This solution belongs in a real special class of solutions that are invaluable to not just software engineers but problem solvers in general.  […]
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I Want to be the One in Control

It’s all about time. SEP, like most organizations, lives and dies by time sheets. Our time sheets are two weeks long. Each entry has a start time, a project code, a description, and a duration. Easy enough, but what does that have to do with EmberJS? To Quote Miss Jackson, “I Want to be the […]
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Testing the application: object interactions and AJAX calls

The final step in the series of posts about adding tests for the Backbone application is to add tests for functions that interact with other objects as well as dealing with those pesky AJAX calls. This addresses the “spies and mocks will be addressed later” can that has been kicked down the rode so far […]
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Testing the application: workflows

In addition to the model and view tests, tests for the workflow of the Backbone application need to be added. As before, see the full repository for more context around the tests. The test shell As with the previous tests, the specification for the workflow needs to pull in a reference to the workflow module. […]
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