Programming Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Using GitLab’s web hooks with Crucible

We have made available a new tool, Crucible Hook, to allow GitLab to notify Crucible about new commits. Rather than having external services (Crucible, Jenkins, etc.) constantly poll your Git server checking for updates, it can often be advantageous to use commit hooks instead. Using commit hooks removes often unnecessary Git operations (polling when there are […]
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Helpful Mobile Development Libraries: Alamofire and SwiftyJSON

Since my first post about ZipGet, other Swift programmers have published some nifty libraries, namely Alamofire and SwiftyJSON. Alamofire comes from the makers of AFNetworking, a ubiquitous and handy networking library for iOS. Unlike AFNetworking, though, Alamofire is written completely in Swift. SwiftyJSON does not boast as illustrious a pedigree as Alamofire, but it greatly […]
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A Picture is Worth 1000 Lies

Last week, I wrote about Routing in EmberJS. And I kinda lied a bit. I laid out the Pokédex route like this …{ this.route(“pokedex”, {path: ‘/pokedex/:poke_id’}); }); That’s probably the wrong choice, but I made it for Pedagogical reasons. I regret nothing, but we are going to play with the routes of an example […]
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Why you should probably be using Single() rather than First()

One thing I run into a lot when reviewing C# code that uses LINQ is that we developers tend to gravitate towards using First() rather than Single(), even though that’s almost never what we actually want. Both operate on a collection and return one element from it. Both throw if no element is found. If […]
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If you build it, they will find zip codes

I’ve written an app in Swift. Put simply, the app helps you find zip codes. Enter a city or landmark, pan and zoom your way across the globe, or center on your current location to see a zip code. If a friend has ever given you his credit card to use at a gas station, […]
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Getting from Here to There

Where do we go from here? We begin with the Url. The history of the web is based around the URL and our ability to transition from one url to another. Ember is built around the Url. You are a Web Developer if you build apps with Urls – Tom Dale Every view we want […]
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Add a fully-featured irb console in just 3 lines of ruby

When I write code in Ruby, I spend a decent amount of time in irb poking API’s, doing spikes, and testing out some logic. The first couple times it’s a little annoying that I need to require whatever gems and ruby files I need a play with, but after about the fifth time I’m raging […]
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Extracting Form Models in Android

In my continuing quest to get code out of Android Activities, I’ve implemented the traditional “Form Model” pattern in a recent project with great success and wanted to share my thoughts. The basic idea is to extract the code for handling the UI interactions, as well as the data binding and any state keeping, into […]
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SEP hex pattern overlay of person working on laptop

Rise of the Tetrad

Ember has about six concepts that once you understand a bit will help you unlock the documentation and figure out how to develop your site. I have written before about not needing to fully understand ember before working on a project, but once you start getting your feet under you and need to branch out. […]
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