Programming Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Flex + Mobile = Mission Abort!

Me and the wife where sitting on the couch the other day; both of us fixed on our respective electronic device.  I was on my laptop launching some Kerbalnauts into space while my wife was on the IPad trying to plan out a bathroom remodeling.  She was getting particularly frustrated in this task, and not for […]
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The Ember Path

There was a recent blog post by Rob Conery about learning EmberJs by just flinging yourself at it. That was something that kind of resonated with me. I’ve been trying to understand EmberJS for a while, but I wasn’t getting it. I wasn’t feeling confident enough to actually start a project and get it right. […]
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Checking into Swift

In the interest of learning Swift, I undertook one of the exercises catalogued on—“Data Munging,” involving some simple file parsing. The first thing I learned? Regular expressions in Swift, which are really just Objective-C regular expressions at this stage, are remarkably unintuitive. I come from JavaScript, where regex literals and uncomplicated functionality make using […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 5: Segues

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 You’ll probably want to have more than one screen in your application.  In the framework there a a couple of ways of accomplishing this, but I’m going to stick to one particular flavor for this post.  I’m going to go over accomplishing some basic navigation using a navigation controller […]
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Ditch the IDE, become a blade master with Vim.

I am a huge fan of text editors. While I have taken a few GUI editors for a spin, I always come back to Terminal Vim. In this post, I’m going to develop an argument as to why you should stop using IDEs and pick up an editor using Vim as my end example. If […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 4: UI Basics

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 UI programing in IOS can be simple, yet is a little rough at the same time.  I’ve been working in WPF for the past couple of years, and I prefer it to any other UI framework I’ve tried.  It’s one of those things Microsoft got right. With WPF you do […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 3: API Callbacks

Part 1, Part 2 Previously, I mentioned that a major hurdle to learning Swift was the state of the API. Primarily that it is still Objective C based.  Often your code will need to respond to external events generated by these libraries.  Unlike C#, neither Objective C or Swift have the equivalent to the “event” construct.  The […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 2: Optionals

This is going to be a quick post on one of the things that Swift does a little differently from other modern languages you may be familiar with. In C# land, we are used to two distinct classes of variables.  The first class are value types like int and double that have a default value […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 1: Core Data

Series Intro I’ve always been a PC guy until a few years ago when I bought an IPad 2 for my wife.  Since then, most of my personal electronic devices have been converted to Apple.  As a user, they’re really great.  So naturally, I though I’d give Apple development a shot as well.  I got […]
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