Mobile Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Mistakes Were Made: iOS App in Xamarin

This post is an artifact from my recent participation in an experiment in “learning as a project” (I made that up). I went through the process of adding TouchID to an app in a platform I have never used before (Xamarin). I’ve constructed a list of all the mistakes that I made as I wandered […]
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Visual Design for Mobile Apps: meHive Case Study

I don’t often get to share a behind the scenes look at my visual designs, to walk others through the iterations leading up to the version that actually is used. But now that meHive, a relationship management app a team of SEPeers built, has been retired, I thought this would be a good time to […]
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meHive, an experiment in product development

From time to time, SEP makes forays into product development.  As a service company, we face many challenges as we do this, the single biggest challenge being allocation of dedicated resources to work on the product.  Since our revenue is intimately connected with our people, it is difficult to tie them up in an effort […]
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Helpful Mobile Development Libraries: Alamofire and SwiftyJSON

Since my first post about ZipGet, other Swift programmers have published some nifty libraries, namely Alamofire and SwiftyJSON. Alamofire comes from the makers of AFNetworking, a ubiquitous and handy networking library for iOS. Unlike AFNetworking, though, Alamofire is written completely in Swift. SwiftyJSON does not boast as illustrious a pedigree as Alamofire, but it greatly […]
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If you build it, they will find zip codes

I’ve written an app in Swift. Put simply, the app helps you find zip codes. Enter a city or landmark, pan and zoom your way across the globe, or center on your current location to see a zip code. If a friend has ever given you his credit card to use at a gas station, […]
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Extracting Form Models in Android

In my continuing quest to get code out of Android Activities, I’ve implemented the traditional “Form Model” pattern in a recent project with great success and wanted to share my thoughts. The basic idea is to extract the code for handling the UI interactions, as well as the data binding and any state keeping, into […]
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Flex + Mobile = Mission Abort!

Me and the wife where sitting on the couch the other day; both of us fixed on our respective electronic device.  I was on my laptop launching some Kerbalnauts into space while my wife was on the IPad trying to plan out a bathroom remodeling.  She was getting particularly frustrated in this task, and not for […]
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Checking into Swift

In the interest of learning Swift, I undertook one of the exercises catalogued on—“Data Munging,” involving some simple file parsing. The first thing I learned? Regular expressions in Swift, which are really just Objective-C regular expressions at this stage, are remarkably unintuitive. I come from JavaScript, where regex literals and uncomplicated functionality make using […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 5: Segues

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 You’ll probably want to have more than one screen in your application.  In the framework there a a couple of ways of accomplishing this, but I’m going to stick to one particular flavor for this post.  I’m going to go over accomplishing some basic navigation using a navigation controller […]
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