UI Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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UX Writing Best Practices: 8 Principles to Improve Your Product Design

User experience (UX) writing is an often overlooked, but extremely important aspect of any digital product or service. It involves the deliberate use of words and language to guide users through a User Interface (UI), helping them achieve their goals while also providing them with a frictionless and even an enjoyable experience. No matter what […]
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Circumventing The Dark Side of Design

A Tale Old As Time Humans have had the tendency to be deceptive to one another for longer than any existing historical document can recall. One of the most infamous examples of this act being used as a literary device is the myth of the Trojan Horse in Homer’s Odyssey. This victory trophy, given to […]
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Why Does Every Pixel Matter?

Why is the UI designer making me move something just 1px over? Does that 1px even matter? The quick answer is yes, it does matter. I can give you the answer in design speak and say it’s all about balance, consistency, and maintaining the grid, but I don’t think that does it full justice. Below […]
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Why I Like Being An Interaction Designer

You know when people say, “I can see you as a (insert career title, oftentimes a common one and easy to define, here).”? Well, I never got Interaction Designer in that insertion. I discovered that I wanted to be a interaction designer not because it was a choice in a career questionnaire test or looked […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 5: Segues

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 You’ll probably want to have more than one screen in your application.  In the framework there a a couple of ways of accomplishing this, but I’m going to stick to one particular flavor for this post.  I’m going to go over accomplishing some basic navigation using a navigation controller […]
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A C# developer learns Swift Part 4: UI Basics

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 UI programing in IOS can be simple, yet is a little rough at the same time.  I’ve been working in WPF for the past couple of years, and I prefer it to any other UI framework I’ve tried.  It’s one of those things Microsoft got right. With WPF you do […]
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Lessons Learned in Automated UI Testing

Automated UI testing can be tricky and is very easy to do wrong.  At SEP we’ve done several projects using TestComplete; it is a nice tool, but the early days were painful.  We made every mistake in the book, and learned our lessons the hard way.  These days, our TestComplete testing efforts are pretty slick.  […]
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