Web Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Success! 🙌 Finishing the Migration from Heroku CI to Jenkins on AWS

In Migrating from Heroku CI to Jenkins on AWS – Part One, I went into depth about our migration. We containerized our CI/CD using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and the Amazon EC2 Container Service Plugin for Jenkins. This allowed us the flexibility of defining all of the required types of build agents as different […]
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How to Migrate from Heroku Continuous Integration (CI) to Jenkins on AWS Like a Pro

In a recent blog post, I spoke about a migration from Heroku to AWS. I discussed the solution that Todd Trimble and I did for a client project. If you are interested in the backstory of this migration, you should check that out. In this post, I would like to dive into what we did […]
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Building with Elm at SEP Makes

Preface For the last few months, I’d been working on my side project Contact, a JSON REST API written with Elixir and Phoenix, designed to be the backend to an instant messaging platform. I thought that SEP’s semi-annual hackathon: SEP: Makes, would be the perfect time to make a front end application for Contact, but […]
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Integrate and Deploy React with Phoenix

You’ve just finished your lightning fast Phoenix JSON API, what’s next? Motivation My most recent side project, Contact, is a JSON REST API written with Elixir and Phoenix, designed to be the backend to an instant messaging application (e.g., Slack). There was a hackathon coming up at SEP, and I thought it’d be fun to make a frontend for […]
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How to Evaluate if You Need to Move from Heroku to AWS

In June of 2017, I was asked to evaluate AWS for one of our major client programs. The client was utilizing Heroku for their Cloud solution and at our urging, as well as other external influencers, leaning more toward AWS. We needed to determine if they should move from Heroku to AWS. We set up […]
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Rotating Title Headers for Tables

One of my co-workers (Jason Giles) and I were recently pairing on the implementation of a table for a client that would allow dynamic addition and removal of rows.  The table would have section headings of rotated titles display across the side of the table.  I will walk through the code that we wrote to […]
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Load Balancing with Nginx and Docker

The previous post showed how to use Nginx as a reverse proxy to an ASP.NET Core application running in a separate Docker container. This time, I’ll show how to use a similar configuration to spin up multiple application containers and use Nginx as a load balancer to spread traffic over them. Desired architecture The architecture […]
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Nginx Reverse Proxy to ASP.NET Core – Separate Containers

The previous blog post showed how to setup a reverse proxy between Nginx and an ASP.NET Core application. In that example, both Nginx and the Kestrel process ran in the same box. As alluded to, there is another (preferable) option. This time, we’ll create two separate containers: one for the application and one for the […]
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Nginx Reverse Proxy to ASP.NET Core – Same Container

As mentioned in the previous post, it is recommended to use something other than Kestrel as the front-line web server. In this example, I’m going to show how to use Nginx as a reverse proxy to the ASP.NET Core application. Reverse-proxy architecture options In terms of architecture setup for reverse proxying for ASP.NET Core in […]
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