Web Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Containers positioned side-by-side

Docker Hosting for ASP.NET Core

The containerization trend has been growing for a while now in the industry. The idea is to “containerize” (or package) any application into a well-defined container. This allows the same packaged application to be deployed to run on any infrastructure. In other words, placing your application in a container allows you to run the exact […]
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Go for Web Development

I have published a video series on building web applications in Go called Go for Web Development. These videos will guide you through the entire process of creating a web application in Go, all the way from spinning up a basic web server to multi-user authentication. In the end, you’ll learn how to vendor dependencies […]
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Ollert Is Now Open Source

Ollert, the Trello data analytics tool, has been open sourced under GNU Affero GPL v3.0. The source code can be found on Github and I’ve already accepted several pull requests. Why? I’ve been working towards this for a few months now. Although Ollert was a lot of fun to create and has helped quite a […]
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Lessons learned from Moving from ASP.NET Webforms to ASP.NET MVC.

A few months ago a client came to us and asked for our help with rewriting a couple of their high volume pages in ASP.NET MVC. The current application was written using ASP.NET webforms in the .NET 4.5 framework. We did something similar a few years back so we thought this task would be a walk […]
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I Want to be the One in Control

It’s all about time. SEP, like most organizations, lives and dies by time sheets. Our time sheets are two weeks long. Each entry has a start time, a project code, a description, and a duration. Easy enough, but what does that have to do with EmberJS? To Quote Miss Jackson, “I Want to be the […]
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Testing the application: object interactions and AJAX calls

The final step in the series of posts about adding tests for the Backbone application is to add tests for functions that interact with other objects as well as dealing with those pesky AJAX calls. This addresses the “spies and mocks will be addressed later” can that has been kicked down the rode so far […]
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SEP hex pattern overlay of person working on laptop

Testing the application: workflows

In addition to the model and view tests, tests for the workflow of the Backbone application need to be added. As before, see the full repository for more context around the tests. The test shell As with the previous tests, the specification for the workflow needs to pull in a reference to the workflow module. […]
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Testing the application: models and views

As part of the series of posts, the next three posts are dedicated towards writing tests for the Backbone application created in the previous post. All of the tests (in more detail than outlined below) are available. Adding the page to run the tests As with the tests for the API layer, the application tests […]
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Building a Backbone Application with a Workflow

Now that the API exists, it is time to create the Backbone application. The full code for the application is available. More so than in the previous steps in the series, there is a lot more content in the application than is shown below. Looking through the full source provides a much more complete context […]
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