Product Design & UX Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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The Potential Of Role-Inclusive Designers

When we were in elementary school, most of us were disengaged or restless when our teacher switched subjects to one that wasn’t enjoyable nor personally easy to learn. Then, in middle school, some of us really needed to take a long bathroom break during that one class with that one teacher who seemed mad, hard […]
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Designers + Developers: Why We’re Better Together

I want to start by sharing that I was inspired by the infographic below from InVision to write this. This may appear at first to be a silly and hunky-dory post about family-like co-worker relationships in the office. While I agree I am writing with this sentiment, I want to show how enriching and successful […]
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CommunityHERO: A Lesson in Collaborative Design

Here at SEP, the PXT (product experience team) has been making a push for more collaborative design on the projects we’ve been involved in. By collaborative design I mean including not only designers, but engineers, product owners, and project managers in the design process. We’ve had success with it on several of our past projects, […]
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Starting Full-Time At A Place That Is Hard To Define

I knew I could grow there—fast. That’s how I respond when asked why I chose to work for SEP. Subsequently, my co-workers later told me they felt they ‘just knew’ I was a fit for this culture and the work we do here when I asked them why I was chosen. Knowing which job to […]
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Why Does Every Pixel Matter?

Why is the UI designer making me move something just 1px over? Does that 1px even matter? The quick answer is yes, it does matter. I can give you the answer in design speak and say it’s all about balance, consistency, and maintaining the grid, but I don’t think that does it full justice. Below […]
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Why I Like Being An Interaction Designer

You know when people say, “I can see you as a (insert career title, oftentimes a common one and easy to define, here).”? Well, I never got Interaction Designer in that insertion. I discovered that I wanted to be a interaction designer not because it was a choice in a career questionnaire test or looked […]
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From Jokes to Critiques: Feedback the Way You Want It

Unintentional Metaphors So I had this ah-ha moment yesterday while sitting on my couch with my fiancé. He was reading to me what I think was a ridiculous thread of Reddit Dad Jokes, and we just couldn’t stop laughing. I was trying to work on a lightning talk for our SEP Product Guild and he kept refocusing me […]
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Visual Design for Mobile Apps: meHive Case Study

I don’t often get to share a behind the scenes look at my visual designs, to walk others through the iterations leading up to the version that actually is used. But now that meHive, a relationship management app a team of SEPeers built, has been retired, I thought this would be a good time to […]
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Join us at Midwest UX 2014

“Are you feeling crazy?” That’s the moment I remember when working with Lydia Whitehead after we got our Master degrees in the School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI. We received an invite to apply to host Midwest UX. It asked, “Is your city ready to host Midwest UX?” Lydia and I agreed that this […]
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