Artificial Intelligence Articles

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SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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Record Deduplication

I have a relative that frequently has medical problems. This despite the fact that he’s a healthy young man. His problem is that he has too many names. He’s James-Robert, but depending on whom you ask, you’ll hear him called: Jim Bob Robert James Jim-Bob He has five names at least, and that’s before considering […]
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Is AI Worth The Hype?

Image courtesy of Jeremykemp at English Wikipedia / CC BY-SA Is Artificial Intelligence worth the hype? In Everyday AI Problems, my colleague Jordan Thayer said the following: When someone asks me “What can AI do for me?”, I often suspect the answer is “Not much” because it’s the wrong question. If someone asks me “Is […]
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How Visualizations Lead To Advances in Artificial Intelligence

Heuristic search is a subfield of artificial intelligence.  It is the study of algorithms meant for general problem solving. The problems solved with heuristic search come from a variety of domains, including: Aligning genetic sequences Planning routes between two cities Scheduling elevators in a building Scheduling work orders in a machine shop These varried domains […]
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A Brief Evaluation of Cloud ML Tools

Originally published here. The Goal Someone recently told me in passing that they wished they had a machine learning sandbox. I didn’t know what that was exactly, but I had a few ideas about what it might be. I wrote down some notes about what I thought a machine learning sandbox might do for someone, […]
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Death Stranding: A Playground of Algorithms

Taken by Sergey Galyonkin from Raleigh, USA – E3 2018 Death Stranding was a surreal experience for several reasons. First, the game has a werid story line that’s a little hard to follow at times; exactly what you’d expect from the game’s director Hideo Kojima. Secondly, I’m still not used to seeing recognizable famous people […]
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Several examples of NLP

A while ago I wrote on a topic that, technically, I’m not super qualified to write about. That topic was agglutination and it was a ton of fun for me, despite my lack of linguistics training, because I’m passionate about language. Today I’m going to fold that passion (about language) into something I’m educated in […]
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What is NLP used for?

Natural language processing (NLP) describes the interaction between human language and computers.More specifically, natural language processing is the computer understanding, analysis, manipulation, and/or generation of natural language. It’s a component of text mining that performs a special kind of linguistic analysis that essentially help a machine “read” text. NLP uses a variety of methodologies to […]
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Using Pipelines to Lower Barriers To Entry in Machine Learning

Many people are keenly interested in machine learning, and with good reason. Machine learning is applicable to a wide variety domains, including engineering, education, healthcare, and government. The broad applicability of machine learning is a double edged sword: Although an ever increasing pool of people want to use machine learning, a decreasing portion of them […]
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teal and blue wall tile

Tiledriver – Making Wolfenstein 3D Levels with Machine Learning

This is the second post in my series on the value of personal projects. See the first one for more context. Marrying the Old with the New Tiledriver was an attempt to create levels for the classic 1992 game Wolfenstein 3D using machine learning. I thought this would be a fun challenge since I didn’t […]
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