Strategy & Innovation Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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product design team reviewing mobile prototype in a discovery session

How to Make Bets That Pay Off: Effective Prototyping for Product Organizations

Many product organizations today face similar struggles: delivery cycles take longer than expected, timeframes are unpredictable, and schedules lead to unforeseen costs and outcomes. Often, designed, built, and delivered features go unused, ultimately failing to achieve the desired business results. We’ve seen these struggles appear when organizations pursue a solution without understanding critical assumptions about […]
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View of the inside of a three-story library with curved walls filled with books

Optimizing Discoverability in 5 Simple Steps: Unmatched IA in UX Design

In user experience (UX) design, taxonomy and ontology are two important but often overlooked tools. Taxonomies organize information into groups. Meanwhile, ontologies focus on relationships and concepts within a specific area. By understanding these concepts, we can enhance a product’s information architecture. First, let’s start by discussing the basics of taxonomy and ontology. Then, once we […]
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gladiator helmet outside stadium

Harnessing UX Competitive Analysis: A Product Playbook for Strategic Domination

In the digital colosseum, where businesses duke it out for supremacy, User Experience (UX) emerges. It navigates the treacherous road of SaaS, firmware, and B2C/B2B software ventures. Don’t think of design as a trusty sidekick but as a gladiator in its own right. Understanding the immense value of UX in our strategic arsenal is more […]
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large agriculture vehicle in crop field

The Future is Now: Dig Into the Advantages of AI in Agriculture

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing agriculture in major ways. Some of the cutting-edge advantages of AI in agriculture include improved crop management, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. AI Drives Precision Ag One of the most significant advantages of AI in agriculture is improved crop management in precision ag. It allows us to understand data […]
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Chaos or Clarity? Improve Your Product Design With Systems Thinking

Embarking on the Adventure of Systems Thinking Hey there, product professionals! Ever feel like you’re embarking on an epic adventure when crafting products? That’s because, in a way, you are! Product design is like navigating through a galaxy of intricate relationships. Each decision made sends ripples through this cosmic web. This shapes our creations in […]
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Christine Itwaru Podcast Episode - AI in Product Management

AI in Product Management: 3 Powerful Takeaways From Our Christine Itwaru Interview

Most of what I love about hosting our podcast are the insights I glean from conversations with my guests. My chat with Christine Itwaru about AI in Product Management is no exception. We talked about many things, but three parts of our conversation stood out to me. Zac’s Episode Takeaways #1. Get Comfy NOT Being […]
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Storyboarding for Client Meeting Success

Storyboarding as a UX Designer As an Associate UX Designer, the one part of my job that intimidates me the most is leading client meetings surrounding ideas and interactions. How can you: communicate ideas, acknowledge your clients’ wants and needs, and use your expertise to consult, while also making sure you are keeping the conversation […]
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complex manufacturing plant machine photo

The Common Business Applications of AI That We Rely on Every Day

In the modern era, many of us feel like we understand what AI is.  After all, it’s around us every day.  It’s in our novels and movies and news.  It’s in our businesses and our competitors. It’s in our medicine and our health care.  Though we may not think about it, it touches nearly every […]
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Chris Shinkle speaking at AgildIndy, 2023

AgileIndy Conference – Bringing The Best in Indianapolis Tech Back Together

AgileIndy 2023 was buzzing with innovation around all things software development. We were thrilled to be back with so many clients and colleagues for inspiring and thought-provoking conversations about the industry’s future. This year’s keynotes were compelling—Mike Cottmeyer at LeadingAgile and Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller from Agile for Humans—outlining systematic approaches and evidence-based management […]
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