AI Articles

We’re curious people by nature. And we love to teach others what we’ve learned. So explore our blog to gain fresh insights from our expertise in areas ranging from culture to AI.

SEP Wins TechPoint’s 2024 Innovation Service Partner of the Year Mira Award

SEP Recognized as Indiana’s Top Innovation Service Partner, Winning TechPoint’s Prestigious Mira Award Westfield, Indiana - SEP has been named the Innovation Service Partner of the Year by TechPoint at the 25th annual Mira Awards. The Mira Awards, Indiana’s largest…
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AI at work on assembly line

Identifying AI Opportunities

We often hear or read that artificial intelligence will change the world as we know it. This misses the mark; AI has changed the world that we live in forever. It isn’t some futuristic technology that will alter our lives someday. It’s a feature in products that we interact with today. Artificial intelligence isn’t a […]
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DIY AI: Sentiment Analysis P2: Implementation

Blog Post Written By: Lisa Lo Once again, we’re back to discuss sentiment analysis. In our last post, we went over what sentiment analysis is, why it’s useful, and the main approaches to solving sentiment analysis. Now, with all that knowledge in hand, it’s time to start coding our own sentiment analyzers! Setup You’ll need […]
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DIY AI: Sentiment Analysis P1: The Overview

Blog Post Written By: Lisa Lo In our last (first?) NLP post, we explored Natural Language Processing (NLP). As mentioned, a great place to start discovery of NLP is sentiment analysis since it’s a well-known and studied problem, but also very useful. So, today we’ll be going over an overview of sentiment analysis and how […]
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A Bag of Words: Levels of Language

Communicating with computers is difficult, as anyone who has used one can attest. The burden is on the individual to clearly communicate with the machine. But what if computers could understand the way we speak naturally? This isn’t just about programming. It’s about all the data that’s stored not in any machine code, but rather […]
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The Many Sides of OCR

Blog Post Written By: Lisa Lo The Overview You may have heard of the phrase Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and may or may not know what it refers to. Admittedly, I was one of those that never heard of it before now, but learning about it definitely makes me wish I knew about it sooner. […]
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Avoiding False Starts with AI

Blog Post Written By: Lisa Lo Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction; it’s here today, and it’s here to stay. It is in the products you use every day: home automation, digital assistants, and credit card fraud detection, to name a few. AI will affect all businesses in the near future, and the […]
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(Machine) Learning By Doing

We’ve discussed several applications of machine learning before. We teach a machine a concept from stored data so that it can: Identify problems with engines from telemetry data Identify digits from handwriting Identify sticky notes on a board Identify the winning team in DotA from team compositions The common thrust is that, using supervised learning, […]
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Record Deduplication

I have a relative that frequently has medical problems. This despite the fact that he’s a healthy young man. His problem is that he has too many names. He’s James-Robert, but depending on whom you ask, you’ll hear him called: Jim Bob Robert James Jim-Bob He has five names at least, and that’s before considering […]
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Is AI Worth The Hype?

Image courtesy of Jeremykemp at English Wikipedia / CC BY-SA Is Artificial Intelligence worth the hype? In Everyday AI Problems, my colleague Jordan Thayer said the following: When someone asks me “What can AI do for me?”, I often suspect the answer is “Not much” because it’s the wrong question. If someone asks me “Is […]
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